"Is pure white, hit it how"; is the notebook of the animal illustration pattern of the study ぼう popularity with. The motivation of children is up in being the pretty, stylish design which it becomes pleasant for to use the notebook, too! I pay attention to a discerning back cover illustration! Product specifications and others ● standard of Far East notebook LT01OR: B5 ● ruled line contents: Entering 5mm squares .10mm solid line, ● size, body with leading leader: W179 X H252, the text: The W179 X H252 ● number of sheets: I bind it 30 pieces of ●: Thread binding ● remarks: It is with a multipurpose sealHow to order in shopping cart
“まっしろなどうぶつ”たちといっしょに学ぼう人気の動物イラスト柄の学習帳。ノートを使うのが楽しくなる可愛くておしゃれなデザインなので、子供たちのやる気もアップ!こだわりの裏表紙イラストにも注目!極東ノート LT01OR の商品スペックその他 ●規格:B5●罫内容:5mm方眼・10mm実線入り・中心リーダー入●サイズ・本体:W179×H252・本文:W179×H252●枚数:30枚●綴じ:糸綴じ●備考:多目的シール付
"Is pure white, hit it how"; is the notebook of the animal illustration pattern of the study ぼう popularity with. The motivation of children is up in being the pretty, stylish design which it becomes pleasant for to use the notebook, too! I pay attention to a discerning back cover illustration! Product specifications and others ● standard of Far East notebook LT01OR: B5 ● ruled line contents: Entering 5mm squares .10mm solid line, ● size, body with leading leader: W179 X H252, the text: The W179 X H252 ● number of sheets: I bind it 30 pieces of ●: Thread binding ● remarks: It is with a multipurpose sealHow to order in shopping cart